- Author By peswillyf
- Publication date November 22, 2023
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- Tags: 2023, Maths, Room 1
- No Comments on Prototec
Flies hovered around the kitchen, looking for a suitable place to land.
Mrs Stevens carefully opened the hot oven and took out the two dozen small cakes inside. They were to be part of a surprise birthday party for her son, who would be home soon from school. After cooling the cakes by the open window, she began to decorate them with icing, cream and ‘hundreds and thousands’. Then she put them onto a large serving plate and took them to the dining table where she covered them with a brightly embroidered cloth over the cakes.
On the table were six cups and a similar number of knives, forks and serviettes. A birthday card with a picture on the front of a large cake with ten candles burning brightly sat at one end of the jarrah table.
Rain began to drip slowly down the drainpipe outside as Mrs Stevens removed her apron and hurried outside to the utility in the tin shed. Soon she was speeding down the rough and bumpy road to the bus stop. She was just in time to see a happy looking Shane waving goodbye to Mrs Johnson, the bus driver. Two minutes later he was even happier as he was joined by his unexpected guests at the dining table while Mrs Stevens began to make preparations in the kitchen for the evening meal.
1. The name of the boy celebrating his birthday was?
So the flies doesn’t go on the cake
Because it was hot and steaming
She was speeding down the road to the bus stop.
By using the open window
So she could put the icing on the cake because if it’s hot then the icing wouldn’t melt
120 seconds
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