Category: Ako | Learn


Task  Description:  Hi and welcome to my blog. today I am blogging my video for my inquiry. We got into groups of 6 and had to plan are play. We had 8 weeks to Practise and memorise are lines. The people in my groups were Me,David,Talanoa,Selesa,Nevaya,Kura.

On our first week we were just writing are lines and just mucking. threw weeks passed hadn’t finish, but on the day we just had to say something on the spot. It was quite messy because we didn’t know what to say. but I hope you enjoy watching my video.  Thank you and have a great day!



My Sharing others photo Challenge

Task Description: Today me and my class had to  do a Cybersmart challenge. We had to take photos of our selfs, with our teacher, and with a famous mate. The photo I did with my famous mate was with some of the Queenslands players. I picked them because I support the team and not just that it is the best team in the world!. Thank you for reading my task description.

Equivalent Fractions

Task Description: Today I had to finished off my Math work from last week. We had no work from this week because our teacher wasn’t here. It was hard on the last page because we had to write each fractions in a simplest form. I hope that you like my maths and I hope you write a positive comment on my blog!!

New Zealand Sign Langues

Task Descriptions: Today me and my class had to record us, introducing us and saying our name is sign langue. I find it very easy to do my name because  the letters I had  in my name was very easy.  Thank for reading my blog and hopefully you leave a positive comment!

Ordering Fractions

Task Description: Today my class and I had to solve a fractions problem that was quite difficult but some people finished it very fast. On the second page it gave us a example for us, so that we can do on the other pages. I got threw the pages quite fast but then the last page was very hard because I didn’t understand the question.

Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you leave a positive comment!

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